Saturday, May 16, 2009

Psychology: Left Vs. Right

My psychology lecturer asked our class to take the brain dominance test.
See whether your left brain or right brain is more dominant.

I thought I was equal, meaning that my left and right brain developed evenly.
But, too bad, I'm not like that.

I'm using left hand to write and right hand to carry my bag and stuff.
I even write calligraphy using right hand.
I play badminton, basketball, bowling, ping pong with right hand.
Besides that, I can't draw.
Thus, I thought I would be equal.

This is the result of the test.
"You responded as a right brained person to 13 questions, and you responded as a left brained person to 5questions. According to the Hemispheric Dominance test, you use your right brain the most. The summary briefly describes your dominance type. Remember, this only represents half of the picture. After you read the description, click on the link at the bottom of the page to find out how to use this information to improve your study strategies. Do not forget to print your results, if your instructor has requested you to do so."

"Some of the traits associated with the right side of the brain are listed in the table. Not all of the traits will apply to you. Remember, we use both side of our brain, but your right sides gets the most exercise."

Type of Cognitive Processing

Brief Description

HolisitcProcessing information from whole to part; sees the big picture first, not the details.
Random Processing information with out priority, jumps form one task to another.
Concrete Processes things that can be seen , or touched - real objects.
IntuitiveProcesses information based on whether or not it feels right know answer but not sure how it was derived.
NonverbalProcesses thought as illustrations.
Fantasy-Oriented Processes information with creativity; less focus on rules and regulations

1 comment:

Alistair Schofield said...

I am sorry to disagree with your professor, but I do not accept that neurological dominance can be accurately assessed through just 13 questions - the human brain is vastly more complex than that.

Brain dominance is also a function of nurture - neural plasticity means that it can change.

For more information have a look at the MyBrain International website. There is also a tried, tested and proven test here for assessing neurological dominance. If you would like to take the test, register for the newsletter first as you will then get a discount off the list price.

Best wishes

Run Devil Run + Love Light